April 11: Erotics after the Human
- *Octavia Butler, Dawn
April 18: Logics of Crisis
- Ana Mendieta, Siluetas
- Endnotes, ‘The Logic of Gender’
- *EZLN, Selections, Critical Thought in the Face of the Capitalist Hydra, Volume I, 1-23, 89-114, 155-286, 319-360
- Optional: José Muñoz, ‘Vitalism’s After-Burn: The Sense of Ana Mendieta‘
April 25: Queer Commons
- *Uncertain Commons, Speculate This!
- José Muñoz, ‘The Brown Commons: The Sense of Wildness’
- Sara Ahmed, ‘Happy Futures’
- Lauren Berlant, Introduction, Cruel Optimism
- Optional: Marge Piercy, selection from Woman at the Edge of Time
May 2: Flesh As Matter
Note: seminar meeting starts at 6pm. Earlier in the day, there will be two events with Vijay Prashad: a roundtable on left politics at 130pm and his main talk at 5pm.
- Wangechi Mutu, A Fantastic Journey
- Larissa Sansour, Space Exodus
- *Alexander Weheliye, Habeas Viscus: Racializing Assemblages, Biopolitics, and Black Feminist Theories of the Human, p1-52
- Denise Ferreira da Silva, ‘1 (life) ÷ 0 (blackness) = ∞ − ∞ or ∞ / ∞: On Matter Beyond the Equation of Value’
- Karen Barad, ‘Transmaterialities‘
May 9: Colonial Organs
- Anna Anthropy, Dys4ia (game)
- Jord/ana Rosenberg, ‘The Molecularization of Sexuality: On Some Primitivisms of the Present’
- Jasbir Puar, ‘Abu Ghraib and US Sexual Exceptionalism’; ‘Bodies with New Organs: Becoming Trans, Becoming Disabled’; ‘The Right to Maim: Disablement and Inhumanist Biopolitics in Palestine’
- Optional further reading: Jasbir Puar, ‘”I Would Rather Be a Cyborg than a Goddess”: Becoming-Intersectional in Assemblage Theory‘; ‘Prognosis Time: Towards a Geopolitics of Affect, Debility, and Capacity‘
May 16
May 23: Transpeciation
- *Sunaura Taylor, Selection, Beasts of Burden
- Mel Chen, Selections from Animacies
- Myra Hird, ‘Animal Trans’
- Donna Haraway, ‘Tentacular Thinking: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene’
- Optional: Donna Haraway, ‘Cyborg Manifesto‘
May 30: Intimate Speculations
- *Shani Mootoo, Cereus Blooms at Night
June 6